A seriously safe place.
A SRSLY safe home.
What is a SRSLY Safe Home?
A SRSLY Safe Home is a commitment to providing a safe, substance-free home for youth. In a SRSLY Safe Home, youth will not feel pressured to use substances and don’t have access to do so. Youth know that their mental health matters here and can be discussed openly and safely.

of Dexter High School students report alcohol is easy to get.
of Dexter High School students who use alcohol say they drink at someone else’s house.
of Dexter High School students gave someone money to buy alcohol for them.
of Dexter High School students have seriously considered attempting suicide in the past 12 months.
of Dexter High School students reported that someone they know gave them alcohol.
How to Become a SRSLY Safe Home:
1. Register/Sign up below.
2. Brush up on your Teen Mental Health Knowledge.
Complete one or more of the following free youth mental health activities/trainings--Teen Mental Health Flow Chart, QPR, Youth Mental Health First Aid, NAMI Basics on Demand--within three months of registering for Safe Homes.
More information on these trainings are below.
3. Put up your window decal.
This shows your commitment that youth under the age of 21 will not be offered or allowed to use drugs or alcohol and that they are safe to discuss mental health in your home.
Safe Home Sign-Up
Brush Up on Youth Mental Health:

Use this flow chart to learn about the symptoms of a mental health challenge versus a mental health emergency.
This can guide you to know HOW and WHEN to get help.

QPR (Question, Persuade, Refer)
The QPR training will teach you the common causes of suicidal behavior, how to recognize the warning signs, and how to get help for someone in crisis. This training is offered virtually as a one-hour, self-paced course—available online and in person.
Go to QPR Training Set-up and enter organization code "SJMC"

Youth Mental Health First Aid
This is a training for adults 18+ to be able to recognize and help a youth who may be experiencing a mental health or addiction challenge or is in crisis. This introduces common mental health challenges for youth, reviews typical youth development, and teaches an action plan for how to help young people.
ANYTIME! You decide!
Contact us at chrissie.kremzier@trinity-health.org to set up a personalized training for your group.

NAMI Basics on Demand
NAMI stands for "National Alliance on Mental Illness." This is a free, self-paced, six-session, online education program for parents, caregivers, and other family who provide care for youth aged 22 or younger who are experiencing a mental illness. This training could also help if you are concerned that your child may have a mental illness.
This training takes about 2-3 hours but does not need to be completed in one sitting.
1 | Talk with your teen
Let them know your expectations. Provide clear behavior guidelines and boundaries.
5 | Tell them not to use drugs or alcohol.
If your teen is somewhere with others who are drinking, tell them that they are NOT to drink or use drugs under any circumstances. Need help with this conversation? Click here!
2 | Ask questions
Ask questions about your teen's daily life. Listen to their opinions and concerns.
6 | Spend time on a regular basis
Spend time on a regular basis with your teen doing one-on-one activities or family activities.
4 | Check in
Have your teen check in with you regularly while they’re at a party, at someone’s house, or out with their friends.
What parents can do to prevent substance use.
Start the Conversations
3 | Get to know their friends
Get to know their friends and who their parents are. Always be aware of what your teen is doing and who they're hanging out with.
Steps to Approaching Mental Health Conversations and Services.
* SAMHSA (2020). Supporting a loved one dealing with mental health and/or substance use disorders. https://tiny.cc/muk6tz.
1 | Timing.
It doesn’t have to be a perfect time, but it should be a time and place that allows you to speak freely with privacy and minimal distractions, such as taking a walk.
4 | Offer the help THEY need.
Offer reassurance, then ask how you can best support them where they are. Do they need more resources? Help connect them. Are they more comfortable talking to someone else? Help them find someone.
2 | Explain why you’re concerned.
You can say something as simple as, “I’ve noticed you don’t seem like yourself lately, I wanted to check in on how you’re doing.” Then listen.
5 | Thank them.
Let them know how grateful you are to listen, and how glad you are that they shared with you.
3 | Validate.
Make it clear you’re listening without judgment and move forward how they’re most comfortable. Let them know what they feel is real, important, and worth talking about.
6 | Give it time.
Understand that your loved one may need time, but that continuing to reach out and support them by listening may be the best thing you can do.